Chapter 1

Robert Gilligan hummed along with the car radio after a long night and day of crazy, fantastic sex with the love of his life, Amber. They fucked like bunnies in heat on every surface of the fancy hotel room overlooking the ocean. However, Amber had to leave early to go home to change for “a thing.” He hated “things.” Women seemed to have a lot of those. But it was a shower for her best friend, so here he was. Satiated but frustrated. He could never get enough of Amber.

As he headed home, an accident on the highway detoured him through the city. Plenty of time to rehash the best weekend of his life so far.

Thinking about Amber got him hard again. Oh well. Another cold shower and a date with his hand. Not the first time, not the last.

A honking horn brought him back to reality and the realization he was driving past the accounting firm he owned. The one that was providing him with the lifestyle he always wanted. So different from his childhood where new clothes and food were in short supply Not that anyone would ever know that part of his history.

His money was all in offshore accounts. Knowing how to manipulate the books was the gift that kept on giving. He planned ten years for this moment, and in a few more years, it would be him and Amber on an island wearing nothing at all unless they wanted to.

He saw lights on in the front office and frowned. The office was closed on the weekend. Did the cleaning people forget to turn them off?

The blinds were half open and someone was walking around. Robert slowed down for a closer look. Was that Jim? What the hell was Jim doing here on a Saturday night during their slow season when there was no reason for anyone to be here?

He turned his headlights off and pulled around to the backside of the building, where security cameras didn’t have a good angle. He knew this because he positioned them himself so people wouldn’t know how often he came into the office to monitor accounts. Even though he could do work at home, the office was more accessible. Just couldn’t be too careful. How fortunate it was that his building was in a nearly deserted office park.

Now that he thought about it, Jim and that bitch Marlee Burns had been acting somewhat squirrelly lately.

Marlee asked him something about one of his accounts a while ago—the one from which he made personal withdrawals. What a laugh—personal withdrawals. She shouldn’t know anything about that account except she took a call from someone at their firm questioning a withdrawal when he was away from the office which she asked him about it. Him. As if he would ever tell her anything.

Would she have talked to Jim about it?  He knew she didn’t mention it to Amber or Amber would have told him, but then Marlee didn’t tell Amber everything. Marlee was outspoken and nosy, and she wasn’t one to let things go, even though he told her a couple of times that he would look into it. Furthermore, Jim was her boss, and rumor was they were dating, so maybe she did tell him. Stupid move. His future happiness was not going to be derailed by those two.

He got his gun from the glovebox and tucked it behind his back. Gently closing his car door, he swiped at the sweat dripping down his forehead. The heat and humidity of Florida was a constant, even in the fall. He let himself in the back door and stopped when he heard murmuring. He inched closer. Jim was talking to a woman.

“Marlee, I think I found some discrepancies in this account. It’ll take a minute. Would you mind getting us some coffee?”

“Sure thing.”

Marlee. Of course, it was her. Robert couldn’t believe his ears. Damn, if she wasn’t the bane of his existence.

Footsteps moved away and toward the kitchen. Time to find out what the hell was going on. He snuck up behind Jim, who was looking intently at his computer and writing something down.

“What the hell are you doing?” Robert kept his voice low.

Jim jumped and turned, his eyes wide and afraid. He tried to cover up what he was looking at, but Robert saw one of his client accounts open, exposing all his little secrets

Again, he asked, “What are you doing?”

“N-noth-nothing.” Jim’s eyes darted over to the computer. “Just had some work to catch up on.”

“Liar.” Robert pushed him aside and looked at the computer screen. “You have no right to look into any of my accounts.”

Jim’s eyes narrowed and his chin came up defiantly. “I have every right if you’re embezzling.”

“You need to prove that.”

“Oh, but I can.” Jim got cocky. “I’ve been following the breadcrumbs for a while, and I’m going to the police with my evidence.” He leaned back in his chair, folded his arms and smirked.

The blood rushed to Robert’s face. Calling the police was not happening. He’d worked too hard to get to get where he was now for his future. His future wasn’t going to be ruined by Jim.

He grabbed Jim by the collar. “You son of a bitch, what do you have?”

Jim’s body twitched as he struggled to get away. He gagged. “I have everything I need on a thumb drive that will send you to jail,” he spit out.

“Not happening.” Robert held on to Jim’s collar, and reached behind his back to pull out his gun.

Jim’s eye widened in disbelief. He twisted to get out of Robert’s hold, but Robert held on tight. Jim gulped. It was the last thing he did before Robert pulled the trigger. Jim went down. Robert didn’t kill him. Yet. He needed that thumb drive.

A high-pitched scream assaulted his eardrums. Damn, he forgot about Marlee.

He turned and saw her running out of the break room, throwing the coffee cups she was holding onto the floor, coffee splashing everywhere.

“Marlee,” he yelled. “Come back here. It isn’t what you think.”

But she didn’t turn back, just kept running. Robert started after her but tripped over Jim’s prone body. Marlee was too fast. She got to her car and fishtailed out of the parking lot before he could get out the front door.

Damn it all to hell. What a way to finish a weekend of fucking. Getting fucked.

What to do? Better question was, what would that stupid bitch do? Go to the police. Riiight. Like he hadn’t told them all so many times that his cousin was Chief of Police and insinuated he was on the take. Go home? Hopefully.  Marlee rented the small renovated garage behind Amber’s house. She also confided in Amber quite frequently. A bonus for him. Maybe tonight he would get lucky again.

He dialed Amber on the off chance she was still at home. She was and agreed to what he asked.

He hung up and walked back to deal with Jim and decide what to tell the police, if anything. He needed to be smart and think this through.